About Us

About Winterpeg Samoyeds

In September 1972, I began my lifelong love affair with Samoyeds. I was at the Carnduff, Saskatchewan rodeo when I first laid eyes on a gorgeous 8 week old Samoyed puppy. I bought her without a second thought! I know now that impulse buying new family members is not good.

Luckily, I was prevented from making all the usual novice dog owner mistakes by Samoyed Association of Manitoba mentors – Lillian Redden, Lloyd Mackenzie and Cheryl Hobbs. They introduced me to dog obedience and show handling, Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) dog shows and assisted me with breeding my first litter in 1974.

In 1980, I bought my second Samoyed, “Polar Mist Misha” from Lynette Hansen (now Lynette Blue) of Polar Mist Samoyeds. In 1994, my third Samoyed “Polar Mist Crystal Meesha” came into my life thanks again to Lynette.

Our breeding Samoyeds are show champions and have Samoyed Club of America working titles, AKC (American Kennel Club) Canine Good Citizen certificates and all recommended genetic/health tests for their CHIC #’s.